A day at the Park

 Last weekend we took J to the park and got some cute pictures. The hurricane took away all the crap weather and sprung us right into crispy fall weather! J loved the swing and playing on the slide. 

I had to break out the flannel and dress all cute and fall, and we ended up going for a walk at the canal too. J figured out how to wave this week, so he spent some time waving at strangers and garnering lots of ooh’s and awww’s as they greeted him back. You may recall that J’s first nickname was “Bush Pig”, and in keeping with the theme, he quickly got hungry from all the socializing he was doing. We came more than prepared and pumped J full of a wide variety of snacks. He happily enjoyed the scenery with his hors o’devours while Andrew and I talked and enjoyed our time together, and managed to get a little over 2 miles of walking in. I love that Andrew seems to enjoy family outings like this just as much as I do. 

Not much to say otherwise, just a happy fall day spent outside with family. 


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