Screw Fall, Y’all!

 I have been joking that instead of “happy fall yall”, I’d like a different sign this season.

I took some cute pictures of the kids with some pumpkins I carefully selected from the grocery store. I have never had the disposable income to buy big sprays of squash to decorate with, but I decided this would be the year. I picked so many cute ones!  Then I went home and spent about an hour and a half building my photo set and not being happy with it and then rebuilding and on and on - I still wasn’t happy with it but finally said okay whatever and took the pictures. And they came out cute! All was good and the pumpkins were strategically scattered about as decorations. I lit a pumpkin spice candle to complete the ambiance and was pleased with my Pinterest worthy handiwork. 

All was dandy in my pumpkin spice oasis… Until I woke up Monday to find pumpkin chunks scattered ALL over my downstairs, and a suspiciously nervous looking dog.

Apparently Jessie was getting into the spirit too.

She ate just about every damn one of them.

And of course the chunks were a little too big to vacuum up, but too small to easily pick up. I will probably have a pumpkin patch in my living room for all the seeds that got smushed and ground into my rug. I’m sure I missed at least one. 

So I have completely given up on fall and am going on strike from decorating this season. I will reattempt at Christmas time in the hopes that Christmas tree is a less appealing flavor to my dog. Screw fall, y’all! Lol. 


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