
 Have you met my pupper yet?

This is Jessie.

We got her from Pawmetto lifeline a week or so after I miscarried in November 2020. I needed something to focus on, and had wanted a small, adult dog… we ended up with a German shepherd mix puppy! Originally named Elsa, we opted for a different Disney character name instead - so we named her after the little cowgirl Jessie in toy story 2 because her Black and white spots almost make her look like a cow!

She is the best girl. The first year was hard - she ate a total of 8-9 pairs of my shoes and a few of L’s. But she figured out I was in labor with J before I did, and stayed glued to me until we left for the hospital. Now she lays on the floor patiently while he messes with her ears, feet, and tail. The other night he decided to take over her food while she was eating, and she just calmly walked away, wagging at Andrew like “dang it. Oh well.” 

For all her patience and good behavior we do spoil her though. She gets our leftover steak, or the scraps from when Andrew cuts up a tenderloin. More often than not she gets a small salmon filet to herself if L doesn’t want to finish hers.


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