Sometimes We Fake It
My stepdaughter loves YouTube.
She repeatedly showed me one skit on YouTube of a CGI duck and some really jacked up looking cats and dogs - the duck has an evil plot against the cat and dog, but they are saved by a mouse.
Another one she likes is called noodle cat. And characters from Among Us twerking on repeat to a 8 second repeating loop of what sounds like a 10 year old beat boxing.
I have to dig deep within myself to find some part of me that genuinely takes an interest in these videos. I can feel my brain cells dying off while I watch the clips she shows me.
But I do it.
Because if I can’t figure out how to care about what she cares about, I will fail to ever have a meaningful relationship with her.
It makes me wonder what you had to make yourself take an interest in for me. My music? My running? The book series I liked? Whatever it was, you did a good job faking it - I never felt like you were anything other than genuinely interested in me. You made me feel special and important, and I thank you for doing that.
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