My Jim and Pam Wedding

 Did you know I saw Niagara?

Twice.  The Canada side first (pictured above) and more recently the New York side.  The Canada side is my favorite view of the falls, but the NY side is more fun with kids.  I’ve been on the Maid of the Mist and all I could think about was how Jim and Pam got married there. Pictures of the NY side and Maid of the Mist below. 

It reminds me of my wedding.

I eloped at the base of a beautiful waterfall in Jones Gap, NC.  Besides myself and my husband, only five other people were there, including the photographer/justice of peace who married us.

Best decision of my life.

I didn’t even take off of work, just scheduled myself around the big day so I could enjoy a few days in the mountains with my new husband.

The photographer was shocked that I jumped into the water with my dress on after it was all done.  Andrew got in with me.  My dress cost $45 on Amazon.  Everyone still compliments it.  And in lieu of a reception, Andrew had made a pasticcio (authentic Italian lasagna - the first thing he cooked for me when we started dating) and we had all four of our guests over to eat it in our hotel room. 

Our wedding was uncomplicated and full of love. As they should be.

I remember one time you told me if I eloped, you’d kill me - like, that just was not an option.

For my kids I think I would encourage them to elope. Go run away and get married privately. Uncomplicate the day. Soak in the special time to yourselves and come back to share the news and the pictures when you’re ready. I hate the commercialism centered around weddings these days. Me and Andrew paid off the whole thing within a month, and started saving for our house immediately after. There was no one causing drama, no fights, and the trickiest part was getting out of my wet wedding dress in the middle of a forest when it was time to leave. 


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